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Project management simplified

for personal, every day use to help you...

As Featured In
Authority Magazine, A Medium Publication
"How to Create Better Habits Around Stress"

We all have dream goals and aspirations for ourselves. Maybe you want to lose weight, change career paths, go back to school or start your own business. In most cases, we create these dream goals because we want to feel accomplished and bring greater meaning into our lives. And yet, we often fail to achieve our goals. Case in point - Forbes Health/OnePoll surveyed 1000 U.S. adults regarding their 2024 new year’s resolutions and discovered the following:

80% felt confident they'd reach their goal

7% said they stuck with their goals for 1+ months

What we see here is that it’s easy to be excited and feel motivated by our goals at the start, but we struggle to get to the finish line and get the results we so desperately want. When this happens, it’s easy to find ourselves feeling stressed out, overwhelmed, unproductive, lacking in confidence, unsatisfied or - even worse - unfulfilled in life.

Why Is It So Difficult to Achieve Our Goals?

Since we’re excited about our goals at the start, we often quickly dive into making big and bold changes that we think will get us closer to the finish line. But that means we often don't have a plan for how to manage the change process. This approach means you’re letting the chaos of change control you instead of YOU controlling the chaos. 

So How Can We Do Better?

Find Inspiration From Successful Businesses

A business can't afford to set goals and not achieve them - they'd go out of business. To ensure they achieve their goal, they use a structured change management process called project management.

Think and Do Like a Project Manager

Project managers create an intentional plan for HOW to achieve a goal BEFORE they start AND they know how to adjust that plan as they learn what works and doesn't work. This approach sets them up for success from the start, it allows them to maintain momentum as they move forward and, ultimately, it takes them successfully to the finish line.

Show Me How I Can Become a Personal Project Manager

Why Should You Become A Personal Project Manager?

You Will Own Your Success By Becoming A Personal Project Manager

And Here's How...


The Willown Way


My name is Lisa and, professionally, I'm a trainer, instructional designer and certified project manager (PMP). Over the last decade, I found myself using my project management skills more and more in my personal life to achieve my biggest goals - losing 100 pounds, shifting my career path mid-career and starting my own business as examples. I soon realized my project management approach is not something most people know about, so that's why I created The Willown Way.

The Willown Way will provide you with life-changing tips, strategies and a community of support to give you everything you need to move your goals from the “dream list” to the “done list.”  The Willown Way is...
A Curated Collection 

I've chosen the best and most impactful project management strategies and tools for you.

A Simplified Toolkit

I've designed the toolkit so it's easy and (dare I say) fun for you to infuse into your every day life.

A Guided Process

I've organized the toolkit into a 5-step method that takes the guesswork out of unleashing your inner project manager.

A Self-Paced Online Course

You'll get 24/7 access to a series of courses that you can review at your own pace - complete with worksheets and activities to help you practice the strategies. 

A Community of Learning

You'll get access to our online community forum, so you can ask questions, share and seek advice and celebrate your wins.

A Community of Practice  

You'll have the opportunity to join online meetups, so you can discuss and workshop the course materials in real-time alongside and with others.

Buy The Willown Way Today and Get a Course for FREE!

I'm Curious...Tell Me More!

Additional Services


1:1 Coaching

Get individualized and confidential support to help you unleash your inner project manager.  Together we can: 

  • Identify ways you can customize your approach to project management and make it fit your unique style and strengths.
  • Tackle your toughest challenges and roadblocks.

During your coaching sessions, YOU get to set the agenda and discuss the things that make you feel stuck and the things that are fueling your success. And if you're not certain what those things are, I can help you discover them!

Learn More

The "Project Manager Within" Quiz

This quiz will help you identify the specific project management skills you already possess and those you're in need of exploring further.  Your results will help you better understand how Willown can help you!

Get the Quiz Now

The Willown Wayfarer

Check out my blog to get tips, strategies, stories and musings to help you make your dream goals a reality through the art of personal project management. 

Read Now

What Our Community Is Saying...


"I found the learnings to be very insightful and helpful for anyone who is experiencing an impactful life change or considering making a change whether personal or professional. I have experienced a recent career change and - although it has been exciting to embark in something new and challenging - the change has been scary and daunting at times. Willown’s courses have provided a better understanding of where I am in the process of change accompanied by useful tools to help me progress through the stages of change with a growth mindset and enhanced self-compassion."  Andrea Kidney


The Willown Philosophy


I carefully chose my business name to demonstrate my approach to personal growth.


Refers to the uniquely human quality that allows us to act and make choices based on our principles and not what our environment dictates we should do.  When we navigate through change, we often think we’re not in control.  I believe how we manage change and how we work to reach our goals is a choice and we all possess the will to manage the process successfully.


Refers to our ability to have possession and control over an asset.  I believe, as humans, our greatest asset is our ability to learn, especially amongst the disruption and chaos that accompanies personal change.

The Mighty Willow Tree

Within my company's name stands the willow tree. 

Willow trees have long been a symbol of the values I cherish the most in life:

  • Strength and Determination: They are fast growing with large, strong and aggressive roots.
  • Grit and Courage - They are a pioneer species, which means they are the first to inhabit a new area.   
  • Flexibility and Adaptability - They have long, flowing branches that bend - but don’t break - against strong winds.
  • Hope and Resilience - They continue to grow even after being cut down.

Change can be difficult because it’s filled with constant ups and downs.  But when you use a project management approach, you can approach even your toughest periods of change with courage, grace and hope.  And you can come out the other side stronger and more adaptable than you ever imagined was possible.  When you manage change using The Willown Way, you can blossom.

Get To Know The Woman Behind Willown
By unleashing your inner project manager...

You WILL OWN Your Success And Make Your Dream Goals a Reality!