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Define a Strategic Scope of Work

Personal project managers understand that they need to set goals that are feasible. This includes picking the right targets and choosing the right amount of work to complete - not too much or too little. They need to create a work plan that is both reasonable and sufficient to reach the finish line.

How feasible are your goals?

Are You Ready To "Right-Size" The Effort You Put Into Achieving Your Goals?

Focus on the horizon by creating meaningful goals that aim at the right target. Learn how to identify the appropriate amount of work you're able to manage, so you can maintain boundaries and achieve your goals.  

What You'll Get In This Course:

  • Over 3 hours of video content
  • 10 infographics to help you learn the content
  • 13 exercises to practice the content and apply it to your unique situation

What You'll Learn

The Importance of Goal Setting

Most of us think we know how to set goals.  Would you be surprised to learn that we often fail to define meaningful targets for ourselves and so we often miss the mark in achieving our goals. In this module, you'll debunk some of the common myths about goal setting and learn why effective goal setting is so important for your success.

How to Set Meaningful Goals

Goals that are too easy do not motivate us to achieve them. Goals that are too hard prevent us from getting started. So how do you "right-size" your goals and make them both risky and achievable? Learn how to take your goal-setting habits to the next level by learning three methods you can use to create meaningful, "right-sized" goals.

Scope Management: Focusing and Organizing Your Effort

It's not enough to create goals for yourself - you also need to create a strategic action plan that maps out how you will achieve your goals. What work will you focus on? Where can you say "no?" That's what scope management is all about. You'll be introduced to the tools and techniques you'll need to focus your time and effort on what matters the most. By the end of the course, you'll assemble a scope management plan to ensure the work you set out to achieve is feasible, focused and organized.

How Can You Better Manage Your Process to Reach Your Goal?

You'll have an opportunity to think about how you can apply the course's key concepts in your own life. You'll also receive a certificate of completion and you'll walk away with greater confidence in your ability to reach the finish line.


After Completing This Course...

You Should Be Better Able To:
  • Create personal goals that are both risky and achievable.
  • Create personal goals that give you back agency and power amidst the chaos and uncertainty of change.
  • Identify your priorities and focus your effort around those priorities, so that you can set and maintain boundaries.
  • Breakdown your work into bite-size pieces to make it easier to complete.  
  • Test your assumptions of what's feasible and what's not.

Get Started Today!

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